Citrus australasica cv. Rainbow genome v1.0

Analysis NameCitrus australasica cv. Rainbow genome v1.0
MethodPacBio Sequel II, Hi-C, Illumina (Assembled with Hifiasm, BWA, Arima, ALSA)
Date performed2024-05-30


About the assembly

For this genome, please cite Nakandala U, Furtado A, Masouleh AK, Smith MW, Williams DC, Henry RJ. The genome of Citrus australasica reveals disease resistance and other species specific genes. BMC plant biology. 2024 Apr 10; 24(1):260. This data was originally downloaded from Genome Warehouse.

Assembly metrics (Hap1 and Hap2 combined)

Assembly size 650 Mb
Number of scaffolds 47
N50 34,174,504 bp
Predicted transcripts 81,160
Annotated genes 72,070
Assembly BUSCO score (embryophyta_odb10) 98.8%
Annotation BUSCO score (embryophyta_odb10) 99.1%