Citrus aurantifolia transcriptome-HLB infected leaves
This data is from Arce-Leal ÁP, Bautista R, Rodríguez-Negrete EA, Manzanilla-Ramírez MÁ, Velázquez-Monreal JJ, Méndez-Lozano J, Bejarano ER, Castillo AG, Claros MG, Leyva-López NE. De novo assembly and functional annotation of Citrus aurantifolia transcriptome from Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus infected and non-infected trees. Data in brief. 2020 Apr; 29:105198. The data used for the transcriptome assembly and expression experiment are under NCBI BioProject PRJNA574168. Expression values are read counts. Expression Data BioSamples, each sample was analyzed with two software (DESeq2 and EdgeR): |